We Expect All Our Teachers to be Leaders of Learning
Teaching throughout the world is undergoing major change. Life in the 21st Century is considerably different to that of the 20th Century in the way we live, the way we work, the technology we use and the quantity and quality of information available. Based on evidence from research, New Zealand teachers are being challenged to discard the outdated 20th Century one-size-fits-all approach and develop more effective personalised teaching practices.
At Te Puke High School, we take learning seriously. Our innovative, modern learning environments are designed to support our teachers to develop their teaching practices. Through working in an open, flexible learning environments, our teachers have the opportunity to work collaboratively and share their knowledge and skills. In this way our teachers continually improve their teaching practice.
Teachers hold a special position in society. They have the potential to positively influence student aspirations and prepare them for the future.
At Te Puke High School we take learning seriously. Within a supportive environment, our teachers are challenged to focus on continually improving their teaching practice to improve student learning and achievement.
Learning and Development
Research shows that providing teachers with quality ongoing professional learning can have a huge impact on improving student learning and raising achievement.
At Te Puke High School, all teachers engage in ongoing professional learning and development opportunities focused on the continual improvement of their teaching practice.
Effective leaders develop a learning culture in the school through creating conditions for distributing the leadership to others.
At Te Puke High School, all teachers are expected to be leaders of learning. Quality leadership opportunities are provided for students and staff to develop their leadership capabilities.
“Teachers are well supported by Leaders of Learning who provide ongoing curriculum leadership and guidance.” ERO Report, 2015