We Encourage Parents & Caregivers to Work with their Child’s Teachers
Research shows that when parents & caregivers become actively involved in their child’s education and form supportive relationships with the school, their child tends to be more engaged at school. At Te Puke High School, we consider each student’s learning and achievement as a strong positive partnership between the student, parents/caregivers and the school. We actively encourage parents & caregivers to work positively with their child’s teachers to improve their child’s learning and achievement.
2025 Term Dates
Term One
28 January – 11 April
Year 13 Camp: Wednesday 29 January
Year 9 & 13: Monday 3 February
Whole School: Tuesday 4 February
Term Two
28 April – 27 June
Term Three
14 July – 19 September
Term Four
6 October – 4 December
2025 Holidays
Auckland Anniversary Day
Waitangi Day
Good Friday
Easter Monday
Anzac Day
Kings Birthday
Labour Day
Monday 27 January
Thursday 6 February
Friday 18 April
Monday 21 April
Friday 25 April
Monday 2 June
Friday 20 June
Monday 27 October
Daily Timetable 2025
8:40 AM (Tuesdays 8:50 AM)
9:40 AM
9:45 AM
10:45 AM
Taki Ngā Puna (not on Friday)
10:45 AM
11:05 AM
11:05 AM
11:25 AM
11:25 AM
12:25 PM
12:25 PM
12:40 PM
12:40 PM
1:40 PM
1:40 PM
2:15 PM
2:15 PM
3:15 PM
Our prospectus provides an overview of our school and our philosophy for the education of our students. It is an important ‘touchstone’ for our school, presenting who we are, what we believe in and how we operate.
Hot Tips for Parents & Caregivers
This ‘Hot Tips’ booklet provides parents & caregivers with important information about how they can support their child at Te Puke High School so that they can realise their potential.

Please select the correct year level enrolment form below. Please complete form and attach all documents requested and email to enrolments@tepuke.school.nz or drop the forms into our school reception.
Our Open Night will be on 30 July 2024 from 5.30 pm. This provides information about what we have to offer students and families and how to go about the enrolment process. There will also be guided tours of the school.
Students from Local Intermediate Schools
- Complete the correct enrolment form below and attach a copy of all documents that are required and email this to enrolments@tepuke.school.nz or drop into our school reception.
- Complete the online health form.
- Your enrolment at Te Puke High School will be confirmed in writing.
Other Students
- Please telephone reception on (07) 573 9769 to request an enrolment pack.
- Complete the enrolment form. Attach a copy of all documents required and email to enrolments@tepuke.school.nz or drop into our school reception.
- Complete the online health form.
- We will contact you to arrange an enrolment interview.
Enrolment Forms
At Te Puke High School we have a number of ways that we report to parents and caregivers about progress and achievement to support learning and progression.
Progress Checks are completed by subject teachers every fortnight. These reports are designed to give an indication of how students are going with their learning within their classes. These reports will be emailed to parents/caregivers and will also be available through our Web Portal.
NCEA Updates are completed once a term for Terms 2, 3 & 4. These updates are designed to give senior students and whanau an indication of how students are progressing towards gaining NCEA Level 1, 2 and 3.
Curriculum Progression Updates are also completed once a term during Terms 2, 3 and 4. These updates are designed to give junior students and whanau an indication of how students are going as they progress through the curriculum.
Learning Conferences will be held once a term where parents/caregivers, students & teachers will have a chance to meet to discuss the students’ progress and goals.