Welcome to Te Puke High School

Our Friendly, Future-Focused, Student-Centred, Place to Learn
Tena koutou katoa. Welcome.
We are proud to introduce our school to you.
Students are placed at the heart of our school and are provided with many great learning opportunities, which help them develop as confident, connected and actively involved lifelong learners.
Te Puke High School is small enough to care and large enough to compete.
Student Leadership
Student leadership is a very important part of Te Puke High School and many opportunities are provided for our students to work in leadership roles at each year level. In particular, leadership is viewed as an important quality of our senior students, who are recognised as important role models.

Pastoral Care
Our students are provided with a highly supportive approach to pastoral care through Ngā Puna (Small Groups), which provides the opportunity for each student to develop a strong sense of identity, belonging and purpose.
Through the activities in Ngā Puna, our students are able to build meaningful relationships with other members of their Ngā Puna, including their Kaiārahi Ngā Puna (Small Group Leader).
Our students and staff belong to one of five houses: Blake, Hillary, Morihana, Ngata and Sheppard.
Each house is led by two student House Captains and a staff leader who is the Head of House. House competitions are scheduled regularly and involve students and staff engaged in a variety of fun-filled, yet competitive activities.

Cultural Diversity
Te Puke High School is a truly multicultural community, comprising of students and staff from many different nationalities. At Te Puke High School, all cultures are valued and celebrated. Events are held throughout the year to celebrate our cultural diversity.
Modern Learning Environments
Our innovative, modern learning environments are flexible, open and well-resourced to enable our students to engage in learning that is personalised, socially constructed, differentiated, student initiated and connected.

Career Education
Our students are provided with quality academic and career counselling, giving them an opportunity to develop a much clearer picture of their aspirations. This enables them to make more informed choices.
Modern Technology
We pride ourselves on providing our students with a full range of modern technology.

Learning @ TPHS
Within a supportive learning environment, our students are expected to take responsibility for their learning and achievement. Through this approach our students develop as confident, connected and competent 21st Century learners.
Teaching @ TPHS
Our innovative, modern learning environments are designed to support our teachers to develop their teaching practices. Through working in an open, flexible learning environment, our teachers have the opportunity to work collaboratively and share their knowledge and skills. In this way our teachers continually improve their teaching practice.

Learning Partnerships
We consider each student’s learning and achievement as a strong positive partnership between the student, parents/caregivers and the school. We actively encourage parents/caregivers to work positively with their child’s teachers to improve their child’s learning and achievement.
Sport @ TPHS
Students are actively encouraged to engage in the wide range of co-curricular activities offered in Sports.
In many of the sports offered, students have reached local, provincial and national representative level.

The Arts @ TPHS
Students are actively encouraged to engage in the extensive wide range of co-curricular Arts activities to develop their artistic talents.
Curriculum and Achievement
Our junior curriculum places our students and whānau at the centre of learning and we focus on differentiating according to student need.
Our Year 11, 12 and 13 students are offered a comprehensive range of subjects to meet their future education and employment needs. All our senior students are provided with high-quality academic support and guidance to enable them to realise their potential.
Our students, staff, the Board of Trustees, parents/caregivers and the community are proud of the great academic results achieved by our senior students in NCEA.