Junior Curriculum

At Te Puke High School we offer a comprehensive range of subjects to meet the needs of all students.

The junior curriculum places our students and their whānau at the centre of learning and we focus on differentiating according to student need.

Our Year 9 and 10 students are provided with the opportunity to learn through rich and authentic contexts that weave literacy, numeracy and Mātauranga Māori throughout.

  • Personalised Learning
    Each person brings a different prior knowledge to the learning experience and learns new knowledge and skills in different ways. The way we learn is as unique as our fingerprint.
  • Socially Constructed Learning
    When students work together through collaboration, peer-tutoring, and reciprocal teaching this results in a deeper understanding of the material being covered.
  • Differentiated Learning
    Each student comes into a learning activity with different prior knowledge.  This means they each require different levels of content, context, challenge, and pace.
  • Student Initiated Learning
    When a student initiates a learning experience or exploration, they learn more.
  • Connected Learning
    When a student connects their learning to the real world in an authentic manner.

Core Subjects
All Year 9 and 10 students study English, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, and Physical Education and Health. 

All Year 9 and 10 students select courses from the curriculum areas of Technology, The Arts and Languages. This helps to maintain a balanced curriculum for all junior students.

All Year 9 and 10 students have the opportunity to undertake extension work through inquiry and project-based learning to help them enhance their learning needs and interests.